– REGISTRATION –Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 4Name *FirstLastCompany Name *Phone *E-mail *My Employer is an EOC Sponsor *SELECTYesNo*Check with your employer to confirm if you are an EOC Sponsor. If you would like to be a sponsor, visit ocic.org/eoc/sponsorship to complete the form, then return to complete registration. Sponsorships do not comp island tour cost.I am attending... *EOC Event - $75 per personEOC Island Tour - $35 per personEOC Event & Tour - $100 per personI am attending... *EOC EventEOC Event & TourNextEOC Island Tour Please complete the information below. Click 'next' if you are only attending the dinner. The tour I will attend is...Middle Bass Island TourGibraltar Island TourSouth Bass Island Tour*Choose 1 of the 3 island tours. One tour per person available (e.g. you may choose to attend Middle Bass tour while your guest may choose Gibraltar)Number of People Attending Middle Bass Island Tour *1234Name(s) of Guest(s) Attending Middle Bass Island Tour *Please separate with comas.Number of People Attending Gibraltar Island Tour *1234Name(s) of Guest(s) Attending Gibraltar Island Tour *Please separate with comas.Number of People Attending South Bass Island Tour *1234Name(s) of Guest(s) Attending South Bass Island Tour *Please separate with comas.PreviousNextEOC Event Please complete the information below. Click 'next' if you are only attending any of the tours. My sponsorship level is... *SELECTSilver $250Gold $500Platinum $1,000Diamond $2,500As a Silver Sponsor, my dinner registration is as follows: *1 attendee2 attendees3 attendees4 attendees5 attendees6 attendees7 attendees8 attendees9 attendees10 attendeesAs a Gold Sponsor, my dinner registration is as follows: *1 attendee2 attendees3 attendees4 attendees5 attendees6 attendees7 attendees8 attendees9 attendees10 attendeesAs a Platinum Sponsor, my dinner registration is as follows: *1 attendee2 attendees3 attendees4 attendees5 attendees6 attendees7 attendees8 attendees9 attendees10 attendeesAs a Diamond Sponsor, my dinner registration is as follows: *1 attendee2 attendees3 attendees4 attendees5 attendees6 attendees7 attendees8 attendees9 attendees10 attendeesNumber of People Attending Both Dinner & Tour *123456Number of People Attending Dinner Only *012345678910Name(s) of Guest(s) Attending Dinner *Please separate with comas.PreviousNextI agree that my employer is a EOC Sponsor, therefore I am not required to pay upon checkout. My employer will be invoiced accordingly. *AgreeClick 'submit' after you check AGREE. Total Amount$0.00Square *This page is insecure. Credit Card field should be used for testing purposes only.CardName on CardPreviousSubmit *BE SURE TO CHECK YOU SPAM/JUNK MAIL FOR YOUR EMAIL CONFIRMATION AND/OR INVOICE.